Friday, September 24, 2010

Facts about the Desert Iguana

The desert iguana is a very common animal to be spotted by many. There are even people who would claim that they have seen iguanas in their backyards and which are hiding behind the big rocks. By nature, the iguanas do love to feed on flowers and leaves of several bushes. So that it can take full control of its body temperature, the iguana transposes its color from the gray one to an almost pure white hue. Usually in the morning, the iguana wears the darkest of its color and by midday its changes its color to white so as to avoid feeling very hot.

The desert iguana is known for its scientific name dispsosaurus dorsalis and it commonly thrives in the South Eastern California deserts preferably in the Mojave and Sonoran deserts, in Southwest Utah, Southern Nevada, Baja, California, South Central Arizona, Northwest Mexico, and others can be relatively found in the gulf of the Californian islands. For most of its life, the desert iguana is fond of staying in the sandy and arid habitats usually fondling in the creosote bushes and the rocks that they call their shelters. Another place which they find solace in are the already abandoned burrows of those kangaroo rats. In the southern habitats, the desert iguanas can be usually spotted in the deciduous forests and subtropical places.

Description of the Desert Iguana

When the desert iguana matures, its growth ranges from ten up to sixteen inches long. The body becomes rounded and large. The tail grows long. The head becomes brown-colored which specifically follows a netlike outline that is reddish brown in hue. The trunk and the neck of the desert iguana contain tan and grayish spots. Meanwhile, its tail possesses some white or grayish spots. During the most extreme hot periods, the desert iguana climbs into the bushes to seek for cooler areas. But despite the condition of the climate, the desert iguana remains active even during 115 degrees F.

Since the desert iguanas seek refuge from the bushes, they are known to be vegetarians. They are classified to be herbivores as they do eat fruits, buds, and the leaves of most of the desert-existing perennial and annual plants. They are also very fond of the yellowish flowers of the creosote bush. It eats insects, the feces of the lizards and the mammals, and the carrion as well. More so, the desert iguana is not endangered.

The desert iguanas move swiftly. They are always spotted crossing the roads in a very fast pace and just simply ahead of the passing cars. Their back legs are really that powerful which therefore allows them such movement. Among their predators are the foxes, birds of prey, weasels, rats, snakes, and then the human beings. The eggs of the desert iguanas are also being attacked and eaten by most animals.

The Desert Iguana’s Breeding Season

At the middle period of the month of March, the desert iguanas start to come out from its long period of hibernation. The breeding season for the desert iguana happens in between April up to May. In between the months of May and June, the desert iguana is expected to lay two to ten eggs that will be hatched by the later part of July till August. All throughout the breeding season, the adult desert iguanas have that pink color at the side of their bellies.

Tips and tricks in building an iguana cage

Iguanas are arboreal, they prefer to stay in a large and wide ecosystem. Iguanas also tend to spend its time high up in tall trees. It is because their enemies or predators will not be able to follow them up in high trees. Most iguanas can easily hide from their enemies, by climbing jumping down into the ground without getting hurt.

But today, the lives of iguanas are in danger. Some of them are being caught and eaten by wild animals.

If you’re an animal or pet lover you can help these iguanas to survive against predators and help them from being extinct. You can do this by taking care of iguana, by just having at least pair.

Handling of iguanas needs proper planning. There are some things to be considered.

The first and most important thing is building a cage or enclosure. You must provide them with a good place where they can roam while having the freedom they enjoy in the wild.

Here are some more tips in building a great home for your iguana.

1.    Look for a cage that is spacious and secured. A large room or a big closet can be a good place where they can roam. You can add artificial plants and branches where they can climb and hang over. If your iguana is still young, be sure to make the appropriate size of the cage. A smaller one with no hole is recommended so that they’ll not escape from the cage. When your iguana grows and get habituated to his new home, you can expand the area so that it will not look crowded.

2.    Another thing to consider in building an iguana cage is the air circulation. Look for a cheap but comfy closet with proper air circulation. You can put a small, low-cost and quiet fan that will help regulate the air and raise the temperature and humidity inside the cage. A closet which has a good flow of air can also prevent the growth of mildew. But in case a mildew problem occurs, you can simply wash the walls using water and bleach.

3.    During the night time, you can use a heating pad to warmth your iguana. Look for a light bulb that consumes less electricity. You can simply screw a 75 watt bulb on the wall of the cage.

4.    Let your iguana adapt first to the new enclosure. Iguanas might get traumatized or hurt themselves if placed in a new environment. Iguanas normally react if placed in a new enclosure by rubbing and scratching the walls. It is advisable that you stay with your iguana as they explore. Try to bond with your pet until he gets acquainted with his new environment.

5.    Be cautious on the electrical connections positioned on the enclosure. All wiring must be carefully situated in areas where your iguana can’t reach them. Iguanas are intrusive creatures, they will try to jump and climb up on accessible wirings and hot light equipments.

6.    Lastly, keep your enclosure away from pests. Remove left over foods as soon as possible.  Remember that cleanliness is the most essential factor to prevent possible problems.

Building a cage for your iguana can be simple and fun. Just follow the steps above and surely you’ll have a perfect enclosure for your pet.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Babying your Baby Iguana the Right way

If there are baby dogs, cats or rabbits, then there are also baby iguanas. It is during this stage that these iguanas appear in their most fragile and need your loving care the most. Although they appear like they are easy to take of in their small appearance, proper precaution is needed so that they will be healthy in their older years.
Just like any juvenile pet, there are certain requirements that you need to provide for your baby iguana. Although they are not as meticulous and as herd to get as any other pet food, you should also consider if these things will be perfect for your iguana. You do not want them to become sickly and eventually die even before you see them in their full sizes, now do you?

Here are some of the important factors you need to consider when taking care of your baby iguana.

1. Shelter.

Not just any other type of cage will do. Though it does not matter what kind it is made of, you need to consider what should be inside the cage that the iguana will need.

An example is having something in them that will keep your pet warm during the night. Check out for carpeting or artificial turf to cover the flooring area of the cage. If you do not have the budget for it, you can opt for newspapers because they work just as well.

Since iguanas live on trees, you need to set up some branches for your pet to climb on to. Climbing on branches will form part of their leisure and movements. Just make sure that the branches are stable enough to hold their weight in case they lay down on them.

2. Temperature.

Baby iguanas should always be warm in order to stay healthy. Since you have no way of telling this just by looking at them, you can put a thermometer inside their cage so you can monitor the changes in the temperature inside the cage.

Make certain that you maintain a temperature of 70 degrees during the night and 85 degrees in the day. It is also a good idea for the cage for its shelter to be placed near a source of heat. You will see that your pet is inclined to have a comfortable rest if they stay close to that heat being radiated.

Special monitoring of temperature is required during the cold season. Check the shelter regularly. You would not want your pet to freeze to death without you knowing.

3. Food intake.

Baby iguanas need to have a diet that is rich in Vitamin D3, phosphorous and calcium. Lots of greens are also needed. You can also give them vegetables and fruits that you yourself are consuming.

Baby iguanas are not used to being fed any kind of food. Their digestive system is not as strong and as flexible as cats or dogs. Know what kind of food they can take and what they cannot.

Your baby iguana can grow up healthy and strong just by taking care of them the way you do any kind of pet. If it is absolutely necessary, you can consult a vet that specializes in iguana for things that are far beyond your comprehension. They will be able to give you sound advices regarding your baby iguana and the things that you need to do.

Interesting Informations About The Baby Green Iguana

The green iguana is one kind of reptile which is commonly found all throughout South and Central America. The breeds of the green iguana are also spotted in Mexico, Paraguay, Brazil, and the Caribbean Islands. There is no definite proof that the green iguana ranks among the endangered animals but then it is sometimes misconstrued to be one because it is a major attraction to the hunters. Hunters love to capture the big female iguanas. The green iguana is also a favorite delicacy of some and it is known by the name of “Bamboo Chicken”.

The Physical Appearance of the Green Iguana
The overly grown green iguanas typically grow in between four and six feet but there are some that extend up to seven feet. The tail takes up almost all of the length since it ranks to be almost half of the entire body measurement. Despite their being green, there is likewise the dominant black stripe coloring in its body. Not because they are called green iguanas they will already settle for the monochromatic color of green. The shade also diverts from the very bright green to the grayish and dull green. The skin of the green iguana is mostly rough primarily because of the pointy scales along the animal’s back. The green iguanas are equipped with claws and long fingers so that they can easily grasp and climb.

The Habitat of the Green Iguana
Baby green iguanas are typically raised in the tropical rainforest areas specifically in areas with lower altitudes and accessible water resources like those of the streams and rivers. Most of their formative years are confined in the forest top at about forty up to fifty feet high atop the ground.

The Admirable Adaptations of the Baby Green Iguanas
Aside from the invariable claws and long fingers possessed by the baby green iguanas, they also have a lot of proficient and admirable adaptations with them. The baby green iguanas are keen in terms of their senses of hearing, sight, and smell. One of their defense mechanisms is their tail which is obviously sharp and is snapped high into the air when danger is sensed. Once a predator gets the chance to grab the tail, it grows again without any damage at all. The skin of the baby green iguana is tough it is able to avoid scratches, cuts, and is also water-resistant. The pigmentation on the skin of the baby green iguana helps out in the camouflaging especially when there are predators in the area. But then when their predators detect them, the baby green iguanas are able to swiftly jump from the trees and then dive directly into the water. Mind you, they are excellent swimmers.
Apart from these excellent adaptations, the baby green iguanas are also strong. Imagine that they do fall off the ground at about 40 up to 50 feet but they still manage to come unhurt. The male green iguanas have what is known as the dewlap on their skins. This is the special flap on their skins which they use to impress the female green iguanas or to intimidate their oncoming predators. With these dewlaps, they manage to let themselves appear bigger. Another excellent characteristic for the green iguanas is that they are able to keep fat under their own necks and jaws for quite a time especially when there is not much of the food at hand.

How to Feed Your Albino Iguana

Iguanas are sensitive creatures; most of them rely on their environment for survival. Having an Albino Iguana as your pet gives you the obligation to properly care for it and make sure that it survives under your captivity.

One of the most crucial factors in an Albino Iguana’s survival is food. So being the owner, you must appropriately feed it with the right food.

Iguanas are scientifically classified as herbivores so green leafy plants should not be in its main diet. Though some people still recommend on feeding iguanas with insects and other animal protein based food. You may have seen iguanas eating insects on televisions and magazines but research studies shows that this thing occurs only by accident. Like for example, when an insect is on a piece of plant. An iguana slowly creeps over to eat it. Then leaf and insect are simultaneously consumed by the reptile.

Experts and veterinarians recommend more vegetables to be fed to your pet and lesser animal protein or insects.  This will eventually lead to better physical health.

Albino iguanas also need water, so make sure to provide them with this. Iguanas usually dip their head on the water when drinking, so also make sure to have a tall glass that is full of fresh water. Sometimes they also lick off small water droplets from plants to quench their thirst.

Water should always be available for your iguana and make certain that they are fresh.  Never feed your iguana with left over vegetables because this may cause disorders in its digestive system. It will then lead to sickness or even death.

It is highly recommended to feed your iguana every day and regularly. The ideal time for feeding your iguana is early in the morning usually an hour after it is awake. Succeeding feeding all through out the day can also be done but only in small quantity. Never feed your iguana immense amounts of food before sleeping time.

Feeding your Albino Iguana in the morning gives it time to properly digest food before sleeping. In addition, the morning temperature will give your iguana the right environment to properly digest its food.

The amount of food to be given literally depends on the size and bulkiness of your iguana. The main rule in here is to feed your iguana as long as it wants to. This kind of technique will allow you to note how much your iguana can take over one feeding.

Food for your Albino Iguana should be on a shallow bowl which should be made of ceramic, glass or plastic and should be regularly cleaned. The bowl to be used should be sturdy enough to hold your iguana and should not be tipped easily.

Variety of food is also important to make your iguana feel healthy and at home. Iguanas are known to eat a large variety of fruits and flowers in the wild so it is a good idea to also feed them this way while they are in your captivity.

Aside from proper food your iguana should also have the proper lighting and sunshine. Iguanas usually get calcium from the sun rays to help them properly digest their food.

So if you want your Albino Iguana to stay healthy and have a longer life span feed them with the right amount of food and the right kind of food.